This is how we bring equity to fresh food.
When you shop the Market @ Collegetown Farm you are making food more accessible for our neighbors. Our social justice market works to address the following issues:
Income: By providing tiered pricing, each shopper pays at a level affordable for them.
Transportation: By hosting our market within an area with limited access, healthy food is in walking distance.
Fair Wages: Support of our market helps us provide a living wage for our farmers and associates working to provide a healthy source of food for our community.
1040 Westview Dr SW
Atlanta, GA 30310
Collegetown Farm is conveniently located at the intersection of Westview and Lawton on Atlanta's Westside. Visit us by using Atlanta Beltline's Westside Trail for enjoyment, exercise and access to the farm.
Ways to get involved at market
Musicians/Artists, Chefs/Cooks, Fitness Enthusiasts, and Community Organizations, are always needed to showcase their talents and provide resources to the community. Click below to apply and receive more information.
Local Honey Available
TLW is proud to offer local honey at our markets! Beehives are located at Collegetown Farm on the Westside of Atlanta. Dedicated and professional beekeepers from our partners at Bee Downtown monitor the hives and extract the honey for your consumption! Check out there website and facts about beekeeping below!
This is how we bring equity to fresh food.
When you shop the Market @ Collegetown Farm you are making food more accessible for our neighbors. Our social justice market works to address the following issues:
Income: By providing tiered pricing, each shopper pays at a level affordable for them.
Transportation: By hosting our market within an area with limited access, healthy food is in walking distance.
Fair Wages: Support of our market helps us provide a living wage for our farmers and associates working to provide a healthy source of food for our community.
1040 Westview Dr SW
Atlanta, GA 30310
Collegetown Farm is conveniently located at the intersection of Westview and Lawton on Atlanta's Westside. Visit us by using Atlanta Beltline's Westside Trail for enjoyment, exercise and access to the farm.
Ways to get involved at market
Musicians/Artists, Chefs/Cooks, Fitness Enthusiasts, and Community Organizations, are always needed to showcase their talents and provide resources to the community. Click below to apply and receive more information.
Local Honey Available
TLW is proud to offer local honey at our markets! Beehives are located at Collegetown Farm on the Westside of Atlanta. Dedicated and professional beekeepers from our partners at Bee Downtown monitor the hives and extract the honey for your consumption! Check out there website and facts about beekeeping below!